旅行 & 会议

旅行 & 会议


If you are driving your personal automobile for Chabot or CLPC的CD 业务, you may 申请差旅/里程报销. 此报销可以 只有 包括里程、过桥费和停车费. 对于区域内的旅行,旅行 可使用费用报销表. 此表格可按月提交,期限为 当地的旅游. 本地旅行不需要事先批准. 杂费 associated with 当地的旅游 may also be claimed on this form (parking, tolls, etc.)旅游 上下班和回家是不报销的.


  • 所需信息:
    • 日期
    • 原产地和目的地
    • 旅行目的
    • 行驶里程
    • 其他收费:停车费、过路费
    • 预算 帐号码串 (FOAP)
    • Attach a screenshot of FGIBDST from Banner or Class-Web to show available funds
    • 区域经理和副总裁的批准

For travel between District sites, see standardized mileage rates below. 有 no longer a need to print 谷歌地图s or Mapquest to justify mileage for travel amongst 这些网站. 

要做 对CC 对LPC的的 对电视文化中心大楼
地区办公室 - 18 9


“大学 18 - 25 19
拉斯波西塔斯学院 9 25 - 8
三谷就业中心 1 19 8 -



会议 must be approved in advance, using the 会议假:申请表. This form is used to ensure that you have proper authorization to travel on college 业务. 你的顶头上司必须在表格上签字. 出国旅行需要批准 由校董会批准. 在区内旅行不需要填写 会议假:申请表.


  • 所需信息:
    • Attach Supporting Documentation with 会议信息 including 日期s and Location.
      • Please note: your request will not be processed without this supporting documentation 附加
    • 工作人员姓名
    • 会议标题
    • 会议日期和地点
    • 赞助团体(如适用)
    • Chabot/CLPC的CD的目的和贡献
    • 预计出勤费用
    • 学院的子信息,如果适用的话
    • 工作人员签名和日期
    • If the Cost is Chargeable to a Campus 预算, Check Yes and enter the 预算 帐号码串 (FOAP)
      • 一定要注意允许的最高总报销额
      • Please note: if at any time the account to be charged changes, you'll need to submit a revised form with the appropriate signatures before an expense claim can be processed
    • Attach a screenshot of FGIBDST from Banner or Class-Web to show available funds
    • 区域经理和副总裁的批准


会议 reimbursement is for preapproved 业务-related travel, e.g.研讨会上, workshop, meeting, conference, that may include registration fees, lodging, transportation, 餐费和杂费. 批准的会议假:申请表必须存档 in order for Chabot Business Services staff to process your 会议 Leave: Expense 索赔表单.

You must submit your 会议假:费用报销表 within ten (10) days after 完成旅行. 如果收到预支款,而实际费用低于 advance, the difference must be remitted upon filing the 会议 Leave: Expense 索赔表单.


  • 所需信息:
    • 请求者的w#或社会安全#
    • 全名及地址
    • 会议标题
    • 出席日期和地点
    • For Each 日期 of Attendance, fill in 日期, Miles 旅行ed, 住宿, 餐, 登记 费用和其他费用(如适用)
    • 填写预算 帐号码串 (FOAP)收费
      • The account number listed MUST match the account provided on the Approved 会议 休假申请表
      • If the numbers do not match, you'll need to submit a revised 会议 Leave: Request 上述形式
    • 附上证明文件
      • 会议信息(出席证明)
      • 批准会议休假申请表副本
      • 所有正本收据
    • Attach a screenshot of FGIBDST from Banner or Class-Web to show available funds
    • 区域经理和副总裁的批准

Once your Request form has been processed, you will receive your reimbursement check 通过邮寄方式,寄到您申请表上所列的地址.


*A Cash Advance may be requested when substantial funds are required. 地区业务 Services will track all travel advances made to employees by recording them as a receivable, i.e. 雇员欠地区政府的钱. 区商务服务部会认真对待 review the outstanding receivable to ensure that the receipts are turned in substantiating expenditure of the funds (or the funds are paid back to the district) in a timely 的方式.

例子: Competitions; to Reserve Facilities; 餐 for students during a sporting event and/or field trip; 会议 registration fees & 餐费,或其他相关费用核定 会议差旅费,如汽油费、过路费、停车费等.

形式: 完成一个单独的 支付形式 对于每个ag体育/请求. 一次只能批准一项预支/活动 在申请下一笔贷款前必须先结清当前的预付款吗.

处理时间: 应该作出安排 提前6周. Chabot Business Services requires the forms at least four (4) weeks in advance and 地区要求提前两(2)周提交表格. 估计总时间为6周.

结清未付的预支支票: 提交收据正本 会议假:费用报销表 to Chabot Business Services no later than 10 业务 days after event in which the 要求预支现金.

  • 预支现金较少:If actual expenses are less than the advance, the difference must be remitted upon 提交会议休假:费用报销表. Chabot商务服务人员会的 将Banner的信用证寄到相应的账户.
  • 预支现金超支: If actual expenses are more than the advance, expenses in excess of the cash advance will be reimbursed after the area manager and vice president's approval.


*No further cash advances will be approved if you have outstanding cash advances.



旅行ers attending a conference should make the reservation early enough to take 团体收费的优势. 旅客预计使用住宿是必要的 and reasonable, selecting the lowest standard room rates available. 逐项分类的旅馆 bill for lodging, which includes the employee's name on the hotel bill, must be submitted 带着会议假:费用报销表.

所有餐点均需提供原始的分项收据. CLPC的CD不报销 酒精饮料. 包含多人的膳食收据必须包含employee names or names of other authorized personnel, along with the purpose for the meal.

如遇非授权人员,e.g.,家人或朋友,都在同一张收据上, the amount being reimbursed must be adjusted to reflect reimbursements for authorized 人员只.


旅行ers should book the lowest available airfare in coach or economy class. CLPC的CD 不支付商务舱或头等舱机票. 提供旅行收据 从你的目的地. 这通常是机票的行程收据, shoeing proof of payment from a travel agency, airline, or online booking tool.


须连同帐单一并递交收据,以显示已缴付的总费用 会议假:费用报销表. When executing the rental agreement, the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) should be 接受并支付保险费. 人身意外保险将被拒绝,因为 the District provides this coverage to all staff members traveling on official 业务.

保险证明 由CLPC的CD的联合权力机构SWACC提供. 点击这里进入 索取保险证明书表格.


缴交注册费须出示缴费证明. 一个典型的发票将包括 the employee's name, the cost, the dates of the event, and the location of the event. A copy of the conference agenda or program should be include with proof of payment.


其他 incidental, ordinary and necessary expenses do not require receipts. 这样的费用 包括电话费、上网费、出租车费、停车费等. 但是,任何费用 超过25美元需要提供原始收据. 代客服务费用.e. 干洗 或洗衣,是不允许的.


里程 will be reimbursed based on the current IRS mileage rate. 从 an online tool, such as 谷歌地图s™, which shows the total miles driven. 里程 other than to and from the conference destination may be included as long as it is 出于商业目的. 以开车代替飞机的费用不能超过机票的费用 加上地面运输. CLPC的CD可自行决定,提供车辆在某些 实例.


The immediate supervisor of the traveler must sign any form associated with travel. Employees cannot authorize/approve travel or expenses for themselves.


The District does not reimburse expenses for spouse or companion travelers.

All costs associated with the conference should be included in the Expense 索赔表单, 即使从另一个来源支付. 例如,如果会议注册是付费的 with a P-Card, the conference expense must be included as an expense on the expense form and then the same amount is included as a deduction on the "Less P-Card" line 费用报销表.

必须提交原始的分项收据. 信用卡对账单就是证明 付款,但不符合明细收据的条件.

使用 遗失收据声明 遗失收据. 此表格必须由你的直接主管签署, as well as the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor, Business Services. 一定要包括 表格上缺少收据的原因.

CLPC的CD旅行 & 会议信息